Elliot is Nine Months Old!

Whoopsy, been a big month and we missed this one.

Elliot is nine months old and is really starting to show his personality. He love music, dancing, babbling, eating, and grabbing fistfuls of fur still attached to unsuspecting cats (who really should know better by now). This month we relaxed after a busy holiday season. Elliot sort of crawls, but only backwards, and it confuses him to no end.

He sits up very well and is starting to scoot. Actually, his scooting looks a lot like his dancing…and boy, does that kid dance.

Elliot playing with a red car at daycare.

Elliot is becoming something of an automobile enthusiast. Here he is, slowly moving backwards and away from his toys.

Elliot playing with a yellow toy at daycare and holding it in both hands.

His sitting skills are really improving though.

Elliot sucking on a pacifier and playing with musical toys at daycare.

Elliot will one day be some kind of music toy virtuoso – he is already a better dancer than both of his parents so we know he has rhythm.

Elliot and another baby playing with tissue paper at daycare.

Elliot enlists a daycare friend to go through some important government documents. Crinkly, noisy documents.

Elliot and Meg during Elliot's first flight.

And finally, on his ninth birthday, Elliot took to the sky for his first flight. He got his wings and many compliments from adults who do not understand that parents cannot make babies into “good flyers” and we are just lucky jerks.

One thought on “Elliot is Nine Months Old!

  • Celine DeMeyer

    March 12, 2018 at 8:02 pm

    Oh how we miss this sweet little guy! Big, big hugs and many kisses from Granny Cece and Puppa DD

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